Saturday, January 26, 2013

Wow! It has been a very long time since my last post.  I took a much needed break and in that time, I learned a few lessons. 

I have learned that I am only human.
I have learned that my house does not have to ALWAYS be clean. 
I have learned to actively listen to everything my son says.
I have learned to be:


adjective \ˈpā-shənt\
Definition of PATIENT
: bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint
: manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain
: not hasty or impetuous
: steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity
a: able or willing to bear —used with of
b: susceptible, admitting <patient of one interpretation>

pa·tient·ly adverb
I was diagnosed with Arnold Chiari Malformation in 2011 and I have FINALLY learned to be patient with myself.  I have always felt like I was running a race to do, whatever it was, that I was doing.  I pushed and pushed for my recovery and my body pushed back.  I found that if I just took my time, my body and brain repaid me by letting me do a little more.  I never realized how much of 'bulheaded' person I was until Chiari came into my life.  I have found though, that being "bullheaded" isn't always a good thing.  I needed to listen to my body. 
Someone very close to me asked me recently, "How do you do it?"  My reply....."I just do."
When you are faced with a chronic illness, there are no other options.  You have to wake up in the morning, you might as well make the best of it :)
This has been such a learning experience for me.  I am excited about blogging again, but I am going to do it as I feel up to it.  I am going to do it for fun! 
I am happy to be back and will be posting soon :)

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