Friday, July 27, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things, Friday.

Overnight/Soaked Oats  (this week's favorite food)

I have been reading a lot about soaking oats and other grains.  To read more about soaking oats and the benefits, click here.  The first time I read an article about them, I thought...Oh Yum!  I found different recipes and most of them weren't really my cup of tea...or oatmeal.  I am not fond of a lot of flavor combinations.  I am a flavor snob.  My favorite though, is Strawberry and Banana.  I adjusted my recipe to look like the one below.  Read the comments after the recipes for additional tips.

My Strawberry Banana Overnight Oats    
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup strawberry yogurt
1/3 cup milk  (any kind will do)
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1 small mashed banana

Mix all ingredients in a glass jar or bowl.  Cover with a lid or plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
The original recipes used Greek Yogurt, but I used regular strawberry yogurt for the flavor. Be sure to use Rolled Oats, not quick oats. If you chose to use Greek Yogurt, add 1/3 cup more milk. You can make Greek Yogurt yourself if you have regular yogurt at home. I didn't see the sense in the extra work and I didn't have Greek Yogurt on hand (because I hate it.)
If you are a fan of adding granola to your yogurt, I am guessing that you will also like this. It is very nutritious.  By adding chia seeds, you add extra nutritional value.  Chia seeds are high in essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6.)  To read more about the benefits and nutritional value of chia seeds, click here and here.
I made this recipe the other night.  I threw it all together right before I went to bed.  Soooo simple and I LOVED it!!!  It was so nice to just pull it out of the refrigerator and eat it without any other preparation.  This is even a good idea for an on the go breakfast.


Simple Acts of Kindness.... not always so Random. 

While shopping last week, an elderly man pushed his shopping cart in front of me and stopped.  I said, "Oh, excuse me," not wanting to be in his way.  He paused and replied, "I am going to ask you for a favor." Of course, I said "sure."  I expected him to ask me where he could find something, but instead, he said, "Just you and your family have a great weekend."

It's things like this that put a smile on my face and bring tears to my eyes!  How incredibly sweet! 
I am just a nice person, I try to be courteous and smile, even when I don't feel like it.  I was so discouraged the other day because I was being kind and the recipient didn't even acknowledge me.  I don't need a big "Thank You" or anything along those lines, just show a smile.  It's just so simple!  I went about my day, but it was still bothering me.  I thought for a minute, I am just going to stop being nice.  Huh, I don't think that is in my nature.  I just have to accept that there are people out there that were not raised as I was. I am so thankful for the little things and I just want to see other people smile.  Just like that elderly man did for me.  I will never forget that moment! 
I came across a website some time ago that pulled at my heartstrings a bit.  This is a great reminder that there are other people out there just like me :)
Robyn Bomar celebrated her 38th birthday in a unique and inspiring way.  She and her family preformed 38 Random Acts of Kindness and then asked people around the world to preform just one and let to her know about it.  And, so began... My Birthday Project's website.  Here is the link to the original blog that details her 38 Acts.

Molasses as a plant fertilizer, one of my favorite things.

Apply to plants at a rate of 4-5 tablespoon per gallon of water.

I use warm water, it is easier to incorporate the molasses into the water.  Love this!  Chemical free!

Fabric softener (I nixed my idea of putting fabric softener crystals into my Homemade Laundry Soap.)

My sister stopped for a visit and brought a few recipes that she uses.  The following recipe is easy peasy and NATURAL. Score!

All Natural Fabric Softener
2 cups white vinegar
2 cups baking soda
4 cups water
Mix vinegar and baking soda, then add the water.  Pour 1/4 cup into the washer or spray on a sloth and through into the dryer.  You could probably add a few drops of an essential oil to the whole mixture for a pleasant sent. 

Loved and Useful Things

This little arrangement is one of my favorite things.  I have a small place and things that I love, I try to display.  These things are also very useful.  I bought the sifter years ago because I just loved that it looked old and worn.  I do use it quite a bit.  The cherry cutting board was made and given to me by someone very special.  I hate to use it, but I do.  My sister had given me the little hen on the nest for a birthday present.  I just think it is so cute.  The glass jar is full of sunflower seeds.  I try to keep it within reach of my 10 year old son.  He is not a very good eater, but he loves sunflower seeds.  I figure if he can reach them, he will eat them.  And he does!  

Have a splendid day!


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