A year's worth of homemade laundry soap for $17.00. Has to be too good to be true, right? WRONG!
I don't enjoy doing laundry and I especially do not enjoy spending a ton of money on detergents and stain removers. There are about a gazillions different products out there to choose from and I don't trust any one of them. I have a problem with all the chemicals that are added and more of a problem with ingredients that I can't pronounce. The act of doing laundry itself is not bothersome, it is just the stain removal and the folding that I detest. I actually love throwing it in and letting my washer do all the work. Now, if I could only find a washer with a fold button, I'd be in business.
Anyway, I made my own laundry soap! I know, crafty right?! Actually, I searched the internet and found various recipes. Then, I tailored it to my own needs. All in all, I am very pleased with the result.
Here's how I did it.
I purchased all of the ingredients all at my local Wal-Mart.
2 bars of Fels Naptha or Zote soap (laundry isle)
4 cups washing soda (laundry isle)
NOTE: washing soda is different than Baking Soda and regular laundry soap powder.
4 cups baking Soda (any brand)
6 cups Borax
Grate 2 bars of Fels Naptha soap, add 4 cups washing soda, 4 cups baking soda and 6 cups of Borax in a large bowl. Mix carefully because all of the powdery ingredients will fly all over and create a big mess. Not to mention, make it hard to breathe. I then poured the whole bowl into a large plastic cereal container. You can use any container that you may already have on hand, just make sure that it is air tight. I add 2 tablespoons to each load of laundry. Keep in mind, this is low sudsing. I panicked the first time I used the soap. I was so nervous that I only used it on a load of towels, then a load of older clothes, but it far exceeded my expectations!
Here is my finished product. I had to make it pretty. So, I put some in an old mason jar, added a ribbon and a label.
The only thing that I will do differently next time, is add fabric softener crystals. Then, I can cut out using fabric sheets and save a little more money. I also think that I am going to double my batch. It isn't very time consuming to make, but why not make more and not have to think about it for a while. The batch that I made cost less than $6.00 to make. If I doubled the batch and added fabric softener crystals, it would be approximately $17.00. Doubling the recipe will last about one year, doing 2-3 loads of laundry a week. Amazing!!!
I am so excited about this and I have been telling everyone that I know. It is less expensive and works great. Have fun!!!
Others notes that I wanted to add: I came across a recipe for laundry soap that included all of the above ingredients with the addition of OxiClean. At first, I thought that it may be a good idea, but after doing some research, I was stunned. It turns out that one of OxiClean's main ingredients is washing soda. No wonder my clothes have looked cleaner and brighter! Score!
Fels-Naptha is a washing bar, but is great if used as a stain stick (and much cheaper)!