Monday, July 16, 2012

Born and raised in rural Pennsylvania, I grew up fishing, playing in the mud, rescuing animals and of course playing with Barbies.  I am an animal lover, junk collector, deal finder, art lover, crafter, trash to treasure hippy wannabe, that would love to live a completely green life.   
After being diagnosed with Arnold Chiari Malformation and having brain decompression surgery in the same year, it was a bit of an adjustment.  Having “too much brain to contain” was no joke!      

Having been a busy body (or gasoline ass, as my mother would call it) I had a very hard time adjusting to a more sedentary life. I was used to working eight and twelve hour shifts on my feet.  Now, I have good days, bad days and very bad (can't get out of bed, off the couch or even stay in the upright position) days.  So, it was extremely difficult to accept that the life I once knew, was now gone.  I had myself a pity party for a few months and then decided that it was time to just get over it and move on.  I started looking for projects to do, gifts to make, rooms to organize and things to clean (and knew products to clean them with).   I am sooo going to make the best out of the good days.

So, with an open mind and plenty of time on my hands, ready, set, experiment and create!

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